97% percent of people are bad at math. Thankfully, I'm in the 4% that is good at math.


97% percent of people are bad at math. Thankfully, I'm in the 4% that is good at math.

220 0
@caption same
@caption I don't think anybody got that joke 😂
that caption made me laugh more then needed
@caption: .........
@caption I'm with you!
@caption yeah right. soo good at math on that one ;)
ironically, I'm in accelerated math.
Haha.😂. I'm bad at math.😖
I was good at math and people say I still am but it's gotten really hard for me :( which is actually kind of scary
lol😂 @caption: ....gr8 job
97% + 4%= 101%... don't know if it was supposed to happen or...?
ohhhhh I get the joke, everyone ignore me.
😂👍🏼God, I'm such an idiot.
since your in accelerated math, what is 100 divided by 6 with no remainder
I'm only 9😂😂😂
16.6 repeated
I used a calculator because I'm lazy.
took me a while to figure out why this was funny
there are three types of people: the ones that can count and the ones that can't
Oh, that's me...