Collage by incandesce


2 18
oh? and whys that my love ?
oh no, I never knew she felt that way? :( tell her i can always help with those types of situations, max is like one of my best friends and has been since we were kids y’know.
yeah, i get that. and oh, I had no idea :( max has told me that things have been going great for them so I just assumed so. should I talk to him? I’m sure he’ll care a ton and try and change things the best he can, he absolutely loves that woman more than anything
yeah, i get from where shes coming from :((. ill talk to him and they can try and figure it out, i feel incredibly terrible.
he told me that he was freaking out and got super overwhelmed so he deleted his bio, he didn’t mean to scare her
hm :(
horrible. i’ve missed you terribly and life has just gone downhill.
it’s just been.. a lot, i dunno. it’s fine though
i’m sure. i’m just so so glad you’re here now.
yes. please please please please please.
*gets to your house as quickly as possible, running to the door and knocking on it*
*opens the door and quickly runs up the stairs, running to the couch and seeing you, my mouth wide open*
*immediately jumps into your arms, burying my head into you and holding onto you as tight as i can*
*keeps my very tight grip on you, tears starting to form in my eyes but keeping my head buried in you*
*softly starts to cry, tears falling down onto your shirt as i keep my tight grip on you*
*eventually picks my head up, continuing to softly cry but looking into your eyes now*
*smiles softly, tears still slowly rolling down my cheeks as you do, looking into your eyes lovingly*
*relaxes a tiny bit once you do, shutting my eyes and loosening my grip on you just a tiny bit*
*kisses your lips back very gently each time, resting my head back on your shoulder*
*keeps my eyes on you, smiling softly to myself and slowly running my fingers along your chest*
*looks up at you and blushes softly, continuing my actions*
*pecks your lips back softly, trying to savor it* i missed you so so so much my love.
*lets my lips relax against yours, cupping your cheeks and resting myself against you*
*mumbles quietly* i’ve missed this. so so much. i’ve just missed you.
me too.. me too. *picks my head up once again, looking into your eyes lovingly like i was before and carefully admiring your features, taking it all in*
*blushes deeply, slowly moving my hands under your shirt and tracing my fingers along your abs, tilting my head just a tiny bit as i keep my eyes on yours*
*continues my actions, keeping my eyes on yours with a small, innocent smile but still that loving look in them as well*
*traces my initials along your abs slowly, smiling to myself as i do and keeping my eyes on you*
*picks my head up a tiny bit to press a small kiss to your cheek, now just tracing random shapes on your chest, closing my eyes as well*
*mumbles quietly, halfway asleep* y’know i’m so in love with you, right?
mmm.. i did know that *smiles softly to myself, trying not to fall asleep as i’m speaking*
*slowly falls asleep against you, both of my hands still under your shirt and my head rested against your shoulder, fully relaxed against you*
*after a couple hours i slowly start to wake up, rubbing my eyes and picking my head up*
*looks at you and realizes your still sleeping, smiling tiredly and resting my head back on your shoulder, reaching up to play with your hair gently*
*doesn’t realize that you’re waking up, continuing to gently play with your hair*
*gets a bit startled when you stretch, moving my hands away and moving off you just a tiny bit to help you*
*nods a tiny bit and straddles your lap once again, also wrapping my arms around you tightly*
*smiles a bit to myself, mumbling tiredly* goodmorning handsome
how’d you sleep? *leans up to press a small kiss to your neck, the smile still on my face*
that’s good, i’m glad *gives you a small squeeze, snuggling my head into your shoulder*
really, really good. i’ve needed this *picks my head up to look at you, smiling once again*
*giggles softly, looking into your eyes* duhhh, there’s nobody else i would wanna do this with anyway.
*giggles softly before leaning in, pressing my lips against yours*
*smiles against your lips when i feel you deepening it, following your lead and wrapping my arms around your neck*
*presses myself against you as much as i can, slowly moving my hands to your cheeks*
*starts to slowly grind against your absentmindedly, my arms moving around your neck once again*
*gasps quietly against your lips, continuing to follow your lead before realizing i’m grinding against you, smiling against your lips and continuing to do it more knowingly*
*nods a bit, resting my forehead against yours and keeping my lips very close to yours, continuing to slowly grind*
*kisses you back softly, nodding* of course that’s okay, you want me to stop then?
mmm.. maybe. only if you wanna though, im not super super eager *looks into your eyes, tilting my head a bit*
i mean, yeah, it’d be nice *nods a tiny bit, keeping my eyes on yours*
*kisses you back softly, shrugging* surprise meeee, i don’t mind
*giggles a tiny bit, sitting up just a bit so you can easily take them off*
*sits back down on your lap after you do, frowning* what’s that daddy?
*nods softly, doing as i’m told and starting to slowly grind, chewing down on my bottom lip a bit*
*gasps quietly, continuing to slowly grind as much as i can, looking into your eyes*
*rests my head on your shoulder, allowing you to and following your actions as you increase my pace, letting out small moans*
o-oh! *moans a bit louder once i feel the right angle, increasing my pace even more and bouncing just a tiny bit*
*gasps loudly, whimpering a bit but still keeping my pace after you do, quickly trying to get comfortable with your fingers inside me*
*grips onto your shirt tightly, trying to quicken my pace even more and quickly getting used to your fingers, letting out load moans*
i-im gonna- *gets cut off by a loud moan, grinding against your fingers as fast as i can*
*nods and whimpers loudly before cxmming, letting it all out and letting out a huge sigh*
*pecks your lips back each time, trying to catch my breath and completely stopping my actions, still gripping onto your shirt tightly*
*nods, taking once small deep breath so i can fully calm down, a small smile on my face*
it did, but not all the way. and now i’m really really eager, but i can take care of it later. i wanna spend time with my daddy.
*shrugs a tiny bit, chewing down on my bottom lip* i dunno.. ive just wanted to see you and just be with you so bad but i also habe the eagerness cause i haven’t gotten anything like this in a while.. i dunno
*shakes my head quickly, frowning a bit* no.. no no no. just because you can’t hep it and you don’t feel eager like that, doesn’t mean i don’t think you didn’t miss me. that’s not what this is. i know you missed me, but you don’t have to show it in a sxxual way.
*pecks your lips back softly, nodding a tiny bit before looking down at your thigh, noticing the mess i’ve made*
*giggles softly, shrugging just a tiny bit* whoopsies
*giggles softly, pecking your lips back and nodding, slowly getting up and running to the bathroom, getting a few wet wipes and coming back with them*
i miss you loser
happy father’s day to the future father of our future kids. i love you.
hi handsome boy
i’ve missed you more
happy 4th to my amazing bf 🫶
i love you more 🩷.
is possible, actually 😒
exactly 😊😊
also yeah, that’s totally fine. he’s been acting really weird recently and i really think something’s up so i’ve just been trying to check on him every now and then
gladly !! come here
yeah.. i’ll talk to him but there’s not much i can do and again, he’s been acting really strange lately it’s.. weird.
YAY !!
it’s really hard to explain.. i guess he just hasn’t been himself like at all. this is not the max i know, he’s a COMPLETELY different person.
waitingggg 🤭
it really isn’t, he’s even been lashing out on me.
i’m coming!! *runs out the door and quickly runs to your car, opening the door*
not that i know of.. it’s just.. he’s my best friend and i’ve known him for forever. all i want is to make sure he’s okay and be there for him.
*nods a bit, grabbing the wheelchair and opening it up, helping you get onto it*
i know, i’ll try
i miss you. a lot. i need you.