Omg look at this I am so cute I'm with my cousin which one do u think I am


Omg look at this I am so cute I'm with my cousin which one do u think I am

14 1
brown haired girl 🙏🏻
nope blonde Piper was right true sister
hey! ru on?
yep why
ok so do you till want a giveaway thing?
*still not till lol sry
yes I do
ok cool. so what do you want the rules and prizes to be. and the deadline
the rules are no cheating and put I like Galaxy vintage and pics
and the deadline is Monday
wait what? is this a contest or giveaway?
the prizes are 1st place shoutout to u every post I make and spam and regular shoutout , 2nd place is spam and shout out
idk what do u think
wait I'm rly confused 😁