I took this photo! So I did a decorating a Christmas tree for student council and I’ll remix some photos I took. Q: What color hair do YOU have? A: a dirty blonde to a light blonde. 💓❄️


⛄️click⛄️ I took this photo! So I did a decorating a Christmas tree for student council and I’ll remix some photos I took. Q: What color hair do YOU have? A: a dirty blonde to a light blonde. 💓❄️

49 3
a : dark brown
A: Medium red, sometimes lighters
aotd: brown
A: brown. with chestnut/ blond tips
love this!
AOTD-Light brown
AOTD- dark brown
pretty! aotd: brown
aotd: brown
amazing!! heyy!! i would absolutely love if you could enter my contest💞🌸
actually I asked my uncle to bring it for me as it’s not shipped to where I live , so I don’t know !