I love school holidays


I love school holidays

5 1
do you want to go to vh
I really won't to go but not without you
I am not sure. I really want to go camping too
go to vh we won't have to put up
jonny or your mum and dad
plus ma and pop won't mind if we walk down to the shops down the road
and Ma and pop will take us any where we won't
I would love to go
I just worried about my tummy
I will just see how I feel
that's fine
it's not that I don't want to go. I just think I will feel yuck
and I don't won't to go without because they won't do any thing with me
but if were together they might let us do more things
I will see if I feel alright
Hi, school tomorrow I can't believe it
I know right**
I know
no I love SUMMER