Collage by tropical-dance


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Who is your least fav DM girl?Whats your fav book and the other crush apart from Daniel what's his name?
Do you like Harry Potter? What's your favourite shop and when does school start for you?
What were the romantic things??you have so many stories about boys! and also this years at my birthday party I invited my crush and two of his friends and when we were at the party one of my Bffs randomly ran up to him and said"Melka Loves you" I was so embarrassed!i didn't talk to him the rest of the party😳😂
Awww that's so cute!❤️#Ganiel4Life and Galex4Life🙌
Yasssss Gurl I think Daniel has a crush on you too!😌😉
I think I do but I'll check
You guys look so cute and you really do like like siblings!
Awww you guys are seriously meant for each other!
Yass I'll definitely come🙌
First of all OMG Thankyou so much for following me you've been my idol since I stared PC your so amazing and nice!!!💕❤️and I really want to know what happens next with you and Daniel🙌☺️
you have gotta stay positive🙌👍and from all your stories I'm 99% sure Daniel has a crush on you😍
ahhhh omg that's crazy #ganiel
um😁 so u have a least fav DM girl? if so who?
this kid who asked me out
and thank you I'm so excited!