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We should let Juliet see the Wedding video and Paris
*Holds your hand*
Oh yes :)
*We call for Juliet to come in our room*
*Holds you*
*Holds you and turns on the tv*
*Smiles at you*
*Smiles back*
*Juliet says* What's gonna be the video that y'all want me to see
*Looks at you*
*Looks at you and smiles*
*Kisses back*
*Braids your hair*
*The wedding video starts*
*Plays with your hair too*
*Watches screen*
*Watches too*
Can we do this later, Princess?
Alright ^_^ <3
Can you hold me in your arms though *Smiles*
*Holds you close*
*Smiles* Thank you, Angel
Princess, answer a question for me? And answer it honestly, please.
What's you favourite thing about me and what do you want me to make better about myself?
My favorite thing about you is everything
You're perfect just the way you are
Oh ty, Kate.
Yw, Keely *Hugs*
*Hugs* Kate, I really hate how you have to go for a week. I'm going to really miss you.
*Hugs and tears up* I'll really miss you too
Will you be on Saturday and Sunday though
Of course.
So, Princess?
Yes, Angel❤️
Keely, can I ask you a question
two questions
1. What can I do to make myself better than I am now
I can't think of anything. Nothing, because you're perfect :)
You're perfect❤️
2. If you came to Texas and you saw me at Hot Topic what would you do
Hug you super tightly and ask if I can stay at yours.
I'll say "Yes"
Great ❤️❤️
*Hugs and smiles*
Are you gonna make that video?
I'm still trying to get my friends to help me make it
Oh okay and when do you have to go?
idk, but I should be on for a long time
Cool :)
I'm gonna tell you something. You have to reply, okay?
You're a fxcking amazing girl... but I found out that I'm straight. I'm so so sorry.
You promised me
You told me that you'll always love me
Promised what?
I trusted you
You promise you'll never leave me
Lol, Princess. It's a joke. Remember on April 1st when you said it's almost impossible to prank you?
Ily, baby.
*Cries and hugs* Please don't do that again
*Cries* I'm scared I'll lose you one day
Ily2, baby
Sorry, Princess. I was gonna do it for longer but I got scared that you'd freak out too much.
I get scared easily, cause of what happened in the past *Cries*
I want us to last forever and ever *Cries and hugs*
Of course we will. I PROMISE <3
*Kisses you with tears still running down my face* I PROMISE TOO
*Wipes them away*
*Smiles as you wipe them away*
*Smiles. Kisses*
*Smiles and kisses back*
^_^ :P
Keely, when I start talking a lot can you make me stop talking by kissing me❤️
Aw, yes <3 <3
^_^ ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
*Starts talking a lot*
*Holds you. Kisses*
*Smiles and kisses back*
*Kisses again*
*Kisses back and smiles* That was a very nice way of telling me to shut up
*Smiles and hugs*
*Hugs back*
Kate, this week, I'm really going to miss you. Could you try to post a lot?
I'll try
will you be on the weekends though
I'm really going to miss you too
I'll be on <3
*Smiles* Can you hold me in your arms please
*Holds you close*
*Looks up and smiles at you* Thank you
So what do you wanna talk about?
❤️Our future together❤️
Yeah :) <3
Oh :) <3
^_^ <3
What songs should we also play at our wedding
What are the names of the songs you've already decided on?
Just Dance (Lady Gaga)
Rebel Love Song (BVB)
Give me your hand -best song ever- (The Ready Set)
I'll think about it.
The Only One (The Material)
Savior (BVB)
Kiss Me Through The Phone
Alright <3
Do you wanna wear a dress or tuxedo
I'll wear tuxedo
What do you want your dress to look like
I'm not sure yet. You can choose if you'd like :)
I'll let you choose :)
Okay ^_^
I already know want my tuxedo might look like
I'll post it
I love it <3
Thx <3
After the our wedding and party what should we do next
*After our
Go home.
Should get a limo to drive house to the wedding and drive us back home
Aw ☺️☺️❤️
It'll be amazing❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
The best day ever.
Before we have our wedding can you teach me how to slow dance❤️
When we meet in person for the first time you could show how to slow dance also❤️
I really don't know how to slow dance
Lol, yeah :)
I was probably 8 when I first slow dance
Cool ^_^ Princess, I gtg, this week is going to be horrible without you 💔💔 When I go offline, think of me because I promise I'll be thinking of you.
can you stay for longer today... I'm gonna be super lonely
I promise I'll think of you❤️
Princess, I've already stayed longer than usual and I have an exam tomorrow.
I'll try to stay much longer on my birthday but I have an exam then too
Ok *Hugs you and tears up* I'll miss you a lot
Before you go I wanna tell you something
*Hugs* What is it?
When we first met I wanted to kiss you when you first start talking to me.
That's amazing <3
*Hugs* I really love you a lot
Everyday I'm afraid that I'll lose you. You're the only person that I wanna marry and ease a family with
I truly love you too. Princess, I have to go now. Leave a sweet comment for me for when I wake in the morning. Goodbye and I'll be thinking of you as soon as I get offline.
I'll always love you.
I'll always love you, and I'll always be thinking of you