Vent Page: Free for use of public, closes at 8pm


Vent Page: Free for use of public, closes at 8pm

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ikr! we have multiple lives!
No one cares so far so I'm leaving this till morning. Somebody needs it.👌
I have an addiction to smelling Sharpies!!
just thought I'd get that out there
I have bipolar "disorder". To me, it's not a disorder, but to everyone else, it is. I just wanted to put that out there. Being bipolar is not a bad thing, you should consider yourself just the same as the others. so what if you get mad easily?
well thank you, friend
the fourth book is really good but then again all the books are 🙂📚
OMG LIKE SERIOUSLY YOUR SISTER IS SO LUCKY!! Well so am I because I met Luke <3 Joel wasn't there though, are you going to see Priceless (the answer better be yes Hannah!!)
I doubt that anyone but me goes through these and reads them, so here goes: There's an authority figure in my life who I just don't get along with. I like pretty much everyone, but she rubs me the wrong way and I don't think it's her fault, just our natures. Every other thing she says to me is a put-down. Being around her is draining, she's toxic. I'm homeschooled. I don't have anyone I trust, not even a friend. She wants me to go to the university my dad works at, but I know I can do so much better. She gets upset when we disagree like its a problem, but I just can't settle on her conclusions, they seem hypocritical and prejudiced to me--I said as I wrote pridefully. Haha. I feel like I miss out on a lot of the best parts of youth, having her around. She's my mother. Guilt-trip time. Oh my god see you later nobody.
love this! your edits are beautiful