Collage by ThOsE-fRiEnDs


7 5
Charles:( come oN sooN I miss yoUu
my best friend lOoks goOD , we need to find yoU a girl;,)
you’re hOt don’t doubt it :,)
we’re going to find you thE perfect girL
I thiNk so , sooo
buT id be lying *giggles*
*shrugs and smiles*
*giggles* well I do , so I use we aren’t going to see eye to eye
*smiles at you*
yes please, whatch have in mine :)
hm,want to teach me how to play paintball?
*smiles* teach me the ways
hey! -Alli
hmm*thinks* I don’t think I have somethingggg
Oo!! my lulu leggings, and my roots sweater !!
okie dokie *smiles ,as I walk into the bathroom and change *
*changes quickly, throws hair up in a pony tail and come out*
*giggles and nods* yes ! let’s go !
*smiles ,walking out* thankyou!!
*smiles and gets in,buckles in*
*kisses your cheek before getting out*
*looks at you* you better be ready for pouts !
*smiles shyly , with soft dimples and tries to keep up in the handshake ,with a soft giggle*
I’m Rebecca :)
*smiles* it’s okay, Charles will be hearing it tomorrow *looks down then at you again , then him*
it was nice meeting you*giggles softly and slides the gear on*
*giggles* are we on teams ?*puts the face mask on, grabs my paintball gun*
*takes in all the info with a smile * okay!’ lets kick some but
*smiles and follows*
*finds a spot and hides , smiling *
*nods and smiles*
*giggles nodding as I spot a blue and shoot them*
*smiles and shoots a few more, gets up a bit,on my knees*
*gets shot and frowns softly* ew*shoots more people*
*looks for you smiling* Charles !!
*smiles and takes my mask off giggling*
very good !!*giggles and follows*
*nods while taking the gear off*
*smiles and shrugs, looks at him than at you*
he was very sweet *smilesi
*smiles and walks out* awe, you guys have been friends for. long time
*gets In smiling, buckles up*
*shakes my head* no, are you
*smiles wide and looks out the window* you choose !!
*shrugs and looks at you* pretty please
*frowns* you seem boreddd
*smiles softly and intertwines our fingers* I’m glad , hehe , want to head back hoMe?
*smiles with a soft nod* aha, we can bake , or watch a movie , build a fort :)!!
*smiles wide and nods* lets do it !!
*smiles , as I softly smile to myself*
*unbuckles and rethinks over a few things*
*gets out and shakes my head -clears my mind* ok ok sorry*giggles softly*
yeah, *smiles* I’m all good
*follows* are you aloud to bring friends around
my parents are vEry strict :)
*giggles* I wonderrr
*smiles wide, looking at you*
*smiles and looks around * you have a nice home
*frowns* my friend Danny left
*shrugs and looks down* I guEss life is full of pain
I miss you love :)
I’m here , I miss you ❤️
where havE yoU been:)
awe,are you okay:(
I haven’t made OnE yeT
I’m making a bio right now :)
are you sure , you’re okay?*cups your cheeks*
*kisses the corner of your lips* smileeee
awee ,yaY yay*giggles and smiles*
*shrugs* you need a girly friend *pokes your cheek with a giggle*
*cups your cheeks and giggles*
*giggles and smiles wide* yes!
hey bubs❤️
I missed you love *kisses your cheek gigglingI
*smiles as I softly giggle*
hey hey , would you be up to watching movies with me ?
aNd cuddles?
remix me babes:)
it’s okay mister *smiles up at you*
I’ve been losing feelings for many individuals around me ,kinda going into a numb state
hey hey Charles* cups your cheeks* don’t be sorry *looks up at you with a warm smile* I’m aware you have a life outside this app!