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holy shįt I almost had a heart attack when I saw “I’m leaving PicCollage”
honey you did not cause any hate tbh before you came there was already hate you just have to be strong and ignore it okay there’s some really nice accs on here don’t let the hatred of others let you not be happy or have memories and good deep convos to others
plus if you search up hatepages there is WAYYYYYYY LESS than if you search up da pages
don’t leave us eomma 💔
but hey I understand it’s really tough keeping up good grades and being active even tho I’m making really good grades atm there is still in some classes where I need to be better so I understand where your coming from completely but hey at least pop in at least twice a week okay
I saw your remix...actually you’re spending too much time on pc. If this is affecting you, please take a break 🌙 we’ll miss you but you will be back! ~ 💝💝
it is NOT ur fault that hate was caused or spread, some ppl r sorry excuses for wannabes and just create drama to make themselves more popular... it’s disgusting and just horrible, they r the reason kind and gorgeous people like u leave. which is just so disrespectful!!! honestly i’d love to take a pair of tweezers and cleanse this world of hate one molecule at a time but i can’t, tweezers r to small for such a big job.... but ppl like u r the ones that can help fight it bc only love can do that<333(i quote MLK jr) i understand how difficult school can b and how education, family, and health should be ur priorities so please take care!!! i wish u the best and hope to talk to u when i can<33 -Katie
it’s never your fault to cause hate!!! they are the ones that choose to hate. don’t feel like it’s your fault cuz it’s not.
Awh I totally understand <333 take time for yourself boo <333 we will be here for you