Hey guys it's nick and I'm a pc kid ( not hate please) I'm 17 and i am looking for some new mates and maybe a cute girl ;)


Hey guys it's nick and I'm a pc kid ( not hate please) I'm 17 and i am looking for some new mates and maybe a cute girl ;)

35 157
sup welcome to pc✌️
thanks :)
No problem :)
So whats up?!
just chilling.. you?
same...im just waiting
waiting on what?
For something to happen Im seriously bored and actually want to go to school...
where do you live?
I'm in Australia 🇦🇺
woah Ive always wanted to go to Australia and my fav band is from there😂
5 seconds of summer?
Im in the UK🇬🇧
cool I lived in the uk for 14 years .
Omg yas 5sos✌️😂
cool I have seen them live :)
where did you live?! London?!
hey beautiful what do you look like ?
A girl...😂
can I see your beautiful face?
ive never heard of that but cool😂
it's 5 hours from London
I dont think beautiful Is the way to describe it
I bet your very beautiful .. there is not such thing as a ugly girl .. every girl is beautiful 😉
Only If every guy said that...
what do you mean?
Not all guys believe that all girls are beautiful...Its stupid
I do ... :) and you are :)
so can I see your beautiful face ?
hey i am here
should I leave...?
no it's ok stay
hey nick ❤️
oh okay
hi skylar...
who is skylar?
so my awkward life .. what's your real name?
no the other girl
so did u get to know me yet
skylar it takes weeks for me to get a crush on some one .... sorry
I don't fall In love easy ...
oh ok my. bad
...I actually dont know what to say here😂
what's your favorite song mine is how deep is your love and stressed out
my is " bang my head " by sia and David getter
Kinda Obsessed With Ed Sheeran-Photograph
yeah that's also a great Song
it's really hot here 🏜
its cold here💨
do you wanna which weather patterns?
laugh out loud
I want it to snow
I prefer winter over summer👌
I have never seen snow .... because every winter in the uk we would fly back to Australia to see my family
oh cool
I have 7 sisters and 2 brothers
I have alway wanted to see snow
yes it is here's a pic of Sasha who likes you tell me what you think
snow is lit
she is pretty but like I said before she is to young for me
I need it to snow I want to build a snowman☃
Do you wanna build a snowman?
yes I would love to build a snowman...
hey guys I am getting really tired and it getting late here ... I think I might go to bed ... night and talk later ... mwa :)
okay night then✌️😊
night night
u like look beautiful hot
thanks and you beautiful too :)
your very hot
thanks :) your beautiful too :)
thanks .. you too
you look🖕weird
thanks .... I think