I typed this and its too long so ill put it in the commwnts 
I dont get how the vessel thing works in spn,, like what do the angels who dont have vesselsat the time look like in heaven?? cause they have human appearances when we see heaven & the demons ap


I typed this and its too long so ill put it in the commwnts I dont get how the vessel thing works in spn,, like what do the angels who dont have vesselsat the time look like in heaven?? cause they have human appearances when we see heaven & the demons ap

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I dont get how the vessel thing works in spn,, like what do the angels who dont have vesselsat the time look like in heaven?? cause they have human appearances when we see heaven & the demons appear as human in hēll ?? from when dean went for bobby ?????? jjust doesnt make SENSE to me i dont get it
trying to explain this to me would be like trying to explain whats between atoms because that goes over my hwad too
maybe humans just process angels and demons as their last vessels or something ???
like ya know they see angels and demons as their last known vessels
like i get atoms are like the SMALLEST you can get but how do they form together to get cells wgat are they sticky or something and how are they so unfathomably small that theres NOTHING between them i dont understanf
but then again ya know when john wrestles azazel out of its vessel's body, the smoke takes on a human shape like it's still smoke but it's the silhouette of a human and that confuses me
ya know in season 2 finale
OH that makes sense, i was just thinking bc crowley appears in sams head as THE crowley vessel it just seems weird to me
ohhh yeah