Mark tho.😹


Mark tho.😹

40 1
lol dat àss
np! 😄
lol, so how've you been?
oh thank goodness. Josh hasn't hurt you at all, right? and I here you have a girl now *punches your shoulder playfully and laughs* how cute!
*hugs you tightly* hey what wrong Jack?..
Wdym? how? can I help?
well can you explain at least?..I at least want to be here for you *hugs you*
I promise *makes cross motion on Chest with finger*
well. how did Caleb shatter your heart?
no of course not! your simply confused. actually I've done what you've done before. Plus the person who's trying to rape you is calling you a playboy. do you seriously think he'd be right? You simply just confused with your heart and head telling you two different things.
there was this one guy I liked and my head told me I liked him so I broke up with my bf and dated the other guy. he trend out to be a total jerk and my heart told me to get back with my ex. thing is I didn't want to date anyone at the moment. I know this is helpless I haut wanted o let you know your not the only person who's been through it. Stress is very powerful and all you need to do and learn to channel the stress with a hobby or something. Your human your going to feel these weird feelings
hang on its not letting me send something..
it doesn't mean your a play boy. the girls just think your so nice because boys these days are jerks but your different so they think you like them so they ask you out and it turns out you were just being the gêntleman you are and then they think we'll your the only nice guy they've meet so they think you're the only one for them. but thing is people at out age are just immature. so really you matured faster, like me. I practically raised my self with my parents always being at work and my sisters don't live with me so I learned everything the hard way.
your not a play boy. your just super nice. and girls who don't understand love think you like them.
sorry PC is being dumb rn
and remover Jack no matter how much a girl says she likes you, if you don't like them tell them the truth. You don't want them to feel like your the one and then it turns out they are upset because they blame themselves and...sorry I'm getting into this too much it's just it happened to me and I don't want you o be guilted by someone to date them but they get heartbroken because you don't feel the same. I know the pain and I don't want anyone else going through it..
hey your more mature than most guys. trust me
lol I'm just normally alone and making my own decisions and fending for myself in the world
oh. I love children and I don't know if I'd want a younger sibling I just want a little child in my life that I can take care off and it turned out my sis because pregnant with a beautiful boy and he's just such a blessing lol
wow. how do you get the money?
well sounds like your a busy guy
at least your not like someone who if they are upset or are hurt you tell them to sûck it up. your more like a śingle pàrent to them. that's sweet
oh ya Josh...😅
ha ha
but sup
hai. not much. you?
I love love love it!!
What the flip, that last face though, it's priceless *falls over laughing*
I love this so much Chica
I showed my mum she thought it was okay and I showed 3 of my friends and they laughed
I was just really bored and needed to post something