I love you so much babes you're my everything you're my princess you're my everything I will protect you no matter what happens I love you


I love you so much babes you're my everything you're my princess you're my everything I will protect you no matter what happens I love you

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I love u to babe I love u so much
I love you baby girl
*kisses u hard and puts my arms around ur neck*
pulls you closer to me and kisses your lips
*kisses back*
babe it's crislynn are u on
ben it's me crislynn on my other account
my friend is on my account and she is taking screenshots of our conversation and she threatens to tell my parents *cries*
*cries* that means I have to break up with u or I never see u or any of my friends again *cries* I don't want to do that I love u
u know what I love u and I'm not going to lose u ur mine and I'm urs I love u and I'm staying with u
hey babe it's crislynn u on
hey babe