-wow. wow is all I can say. I am genuinely shocked that trump will be president. gays and women have now just lost their rights. I am so aggravated by the election.😞


-wow. wow is all I can say. I am genuinely shocked that trump will be president. gays and women have now just lost their rights. I am so aggravated by the election.😞

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//on a happier note, the election won't stop me from succeeding in life & it won't make me give up; I will still keep on going in life because I am strong, & this won't affect me. I hope you feel the same way; don't let this affect you, please, even though it may disappoint you.😌💝
💖 Beautiful, as always x
me, too. :(
💖 preach 👏🏻👏🏻
my friend is bi and gender fluid and they were crying the other day because they felt so unhappy and unaccepted just like they were in school. I felt so bad and I tried to help them.😞😪
yes so true 💐💐