I'm back and bored


I'm back and bored

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hey...let's just talk on your profile ok..
well if you want to talk...idk
of course I do
soooooo.... what's up
lol I'm just sitting on the couch.....on PC
fun I doing nothing besides texting you guys
lol...I don't know what to do...but that church is accually haunted by Charlie....he's a kid...you would be scared to if you went
I would totally go bc I like being scared I weird like that I know
no people felt stuff touching them....but the Adults scared them to....it was hilarious.....until when my friend saw Charlie she started crying cuz she was super scared and she really believe in that stuff......
but it was fun
it sounds like fun we need to make a plan to go together😉😉
lol I live in Georgia...you live in kanas....tornado valley.....I will never go there
hey hey hey we can still make plans you never know
lol ok...is it scary over there....do you have a lot of Tornadoes.......
no but it's really boring
sorry....lol it's kinda fun in Georgia...we get tornadoes...barley....but we really do get hit my hurricanes.....did you hear about hurricane Matthew
ya was that in your town
and is it scary
well ...the whole state of Georgia got hit...and we evacuated to Atlanta...and still got hit....when we went back to hinesville...only signs were messed up...but savannah...was...well signs were messed up ..flooding...and tree falling on houses.....it was horrible for savannah
yes I was alittle freaked out...cuz hurricane Matthew is one of the most deadliest hurricanes........
oh wow....
but it was only a catagory 2 so we were fine....but my mom didn't evactued...and she fine
phh that's good
and she said she never lost power...only the neighborhoods around us did...and the pond filled up
well I guess a good thing
omg did you hear about hurricane Hugo...?? the one that happens like...50 years ago..idk
well you should look it up...my mother was in it....and people died....
1889 was Hugo. and 1992 and hurricane Andrew......
sorry I know I probably boring you with history...I feel just like my mother.....lol
it's fine and sorry it took me so long to answer
it's ok...and lol
I sad
what's wrong....