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Hey!!!!!! I am still reading Outlander BUT it is a big book and I think I will wait till the summer holidays to finish reading the series and in the meantime read the Throne of Glass series, the Covenant series and the Lux series....I don't have long until the end of school and I'm super excited and it's almost christmas!!!!! We have a long weekend (two days off school) because of the horse races so I'm catching up on YouTube that I missed while I was on camp and reading Outlander (oh Scotland 😍😍😍😍)!!!!! I really want to give you guys Christmas presents but I don't know what....or how, so if you have any ideas please let me know (I might write you cards or something) I am also really busy because I make my own Christmas cards (I'm not bragging they suck😁😁) anyways comment three books you want for Christmas!! ILYSSSSSSSM and thank you so much for all the likes and follows we are soooo close to 10k?!!!!!?!?!!!!!
omg I realize that this is from like two weeks ago but what fandom is this from? 😂
that's what I thought 😂