Click hereCONTEST due June 25th 2016! Only one enter per person! Make sure to not copy anyone's and no bad language.


Click hereCONTEST due June 25th 2016! Only one enter per person! Make sure to not copy anyone's and no bad language.

9 6
please look at the directions
sorry I was a day late I am now picking the winners
1st place goes to Glitterbrain
second goes to cheerdolphin
and 3rd goes to my_chemical_phandom
I will give the prizes at 7:00 to 8:00 tonight!
thank you for entering!
it's place here is your prize
go to remixes then latest
2nd place
I mean first place here is your prize
and now on to second
second place gets to enter my coloring contest starting soon
and 3rd place gets a follow
I mean a like