I LOVE THIS! How I feel about college... Lol Rate 1-10?? 😹 😹 😹 

Tags: almost Pconly collage piccollage stickers spring hello spring love lol birds sun Willy Wonka Golden Ticket Leila101 Cardinal hello spring stickers


I LOVE THIS! How I feel about college... Lol Rate 1-10?? 😹 😹 😹 Tags: almost Pconly collage piccollage stickers spring hello spring love lol birds sun Willy Wonka Golden Ticket Leila101 Cardinal hello spring stickers

202 1
100/10!!!!! OMG I love this musical!πŸ’–
10000/10! This is gorgeousness!
20 should be a feature πŸŒΉβ€πŸ’–
love this you are so talented
I REALLY APPRECIATE all the sweet comments and support guys! Thanks! I plan to make the last if the backgrounds tomorrow! Hope all my fabulous inspirations have wonderful dreams! πŸ˜ŠπŸ’•πŸŒ™
Charlie and the chocolate factory xxx
This is INCREDIBLE!! πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ
It would be amazing if u followed me- ur a HUGE inspiration πŸ’•πŸ˜„
a 200% chance is over 100 which is definite chance of miscarriage. but also now three years is not the case and foster care is really really hard on kids it's not easy and isn't like a fairly tail.
but still when a kid is conceived all of there characteristics are not chosen it is decided when the genes connect during pregnancy.
and as i said late term abortions are never ok.
I believe in choices I'd never do it
and the question when is a baby a baby everybody has different oppionons
no it's not ok to throw a kid away but that's not what abortion is. but I've always wonder since I heard of abortions why can't they just freeze the embryo
10/2 it's eh
@illdesignit AGAIN! She keeps saying I'm immature and dumb and how I have never been featured and I told her I have twice and she said prove it so I showed her but she didn't believe me it all gets super annoying at the end and it hurts