Thx for the spam


Thx for the spam

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hi w,I had are u bring
I'm good bout u
yes my mom is bringing money after school
meet me back at the beginning of the alley by the west gym
K I had three dollars but someone stole it
I'm screwed
oh ok.
that sucks
my mom is bringing me five dollars a.s I could share
yay I was so happy to get money but then someone had to take it I'm so sad
wow that must've sucked
I'll let u play games with me over there
it depends on how much it costs to play a song but if I have enough money I will let u pick 1 song to play
$1.00 and games are .50 and I wanted to play the stuff animal win thing and win two stuff animals and to with some candy
we wil definitely do that
k I wanted to do those one because I love stuff animals and candy
yay but my uncle used to play those and win me stuff animal so before he died