• milk •


• milk •

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Ooh I can't wait to see!
love that !
❁C O N T E S T: I'm holding a flower themed contest, and I would love if you could enter. There are so many amazing prizes you could win AND I'm extending the due date to June 21st. Thank you!❁ -Sarah
wow I’ve been using pc since 2013 too! it’s been a journey lol. cant wait to see!
ooooo yay!!
a wonderful idea, and such a wonderful story! this is a phenomenal platform and it must have been unbelievable to watch it grow💛✨🌙
Wow lol, can’t wait to see themmm
omg you’re an OG too?? i’ve been on since 2014 😂😅
i remember when they added like stickers & when the gifs came & everyone flipped like “oH mY gOd gIfS wHaT” 😂😂