Heck yeah... I'm bored:/


Heck yeah... I'm bored:/

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Hey sis *hugs you*
*looks at you* you ok sis
will be... just tough ćráp right now
Ok do you need me to do anything
idk Chloe *looks at u* I don't even know what to do * goes to my kitchen and starts washing dishes*
*looks at you and and rubs my belly* I'll do whatever you need help with or need me to do
well umm *looks at u then back downs and keeps washing dishes*
*looks at you* sis please I'll do anything
idk... can u go check on someone in my room... they are only two I think they are asleep but not sure *looks at u*
*looks at you* yeah who is it sis
they're twins I'm watching I think
Ok *walks up to your room and checks on them*
*washes dishes and look at my phone* come on just call back *whispers*
*comes back down and sits on the couch* they're asleep sis
*looks over at u and dries my hands* okay thx *smiles a little and come sits by u*
*pokes my belly* wanna feel the baby sis
sure *brings my hand to it and feels* awe
*smiles* you can see the baby's foot when he or she stretches it hurts so bad sometimes but I got Lucas to feel the baby's foot
aw *hears Levi* oh one sec I'm gonna go check on him before he wakes his sister
Ok *looks at my phone and smiles*
*skips steps and runs upstairs quick* hey bud *brings him downstairs*
*goes through my pictures on my phone and doesn't stop smiling*
*sits by u* what u lookin at *looks over on ur phone with Levi in my lap*
*shows you* nothin just looking at the pictures I have of Lucas on my phone and then the picture me and him took this morning
aw that's cute *looks at levi* Levi this is my sister Chloe or just chlo *smiles a bit*
*smiles and looks at him* awe
~Levi *hides face on AJ shoulder* ~AJ *looks at u and smiles* he's more the shyer one... wait till u meet Ayden
*smiles* ok and awe he's cute
*smiles* thx he can be a sweetheart at time *kisses his forehead*
*smiles and puts my hand on my belly*
*smiles* sorry Chloe I love u but I need to go rn... I gonna finish with cam then I have to go:( sorry luv u sis
say bye Levi
Ok ig love you too sis...
Hey sis