Their music is good I think I don't really remember it but they're not bad looking also they don't put their stuff on Spotify so I hate them. Also I still love Wonpil what a cute but he's still 4 bc,,,,, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


•Kachicka• Their music is good I think I don't really remember it but they're not bad looking also they don't put their stuff on Spotify so I hate them. Also I still love Wonpil what a cute but he's still 4 bc,,,,, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

17 0
blame jyp for the Spotify thing they don't have got7's on it either
y'see I'm happy with this rating but bob shouldn't be last I'm trigger
Fxck you jyp
Yeah I kinda didn't really wanna put any last but like if you go around looking like Bob the Builder it's just,,, y'know
But nah he isn't ugly either łmao
rip bob but you literally put chicken little third
I support Brian being first
whenever I see jyp written I laugh because I saw a video of text to speech reading out Jae's tweets and he mentioned jyp in one of them and it pronounced it like jipp so whenever I see jyp I think jipp
Okay yeah true
I like Brian too what a face
What a race indeed
nah but same I love him
jipp wouldn't approve of half the things I post
,His race is nice too yeah
Why not
His race
I do not know ask jipp
his race
Okay then I will
he has a nice race