What does your weekend consist of?


What does your weekend consist of?

43 1
graduation parties
cool xxx enjoy x
right now, reading until I fall asleep, sleeping, doing homework('because that's a great idea' teachers say), eating food and watching movies. what about u?
I went on 5 walks. all of them were 4 miles so I've walked 20 miles. I'm so tired😴 I've just been shopping and bought a spiced wine candle. it's now thundering and lightning so I'm going to wait until it stops and then I will go out for another walk
oh xxx I hope you get better soon xxx
yeah I walk everyday because I have 4 dogs I take them on 2 walks each so that's 8 walks and normally each small walk Is 3 miles around the 3 mile track.
so that's 24 miles everyday
On Friday I just stayed at home and did my homework. Yesterday, we were meant to go shopping but then it started getting rainy and cold so we couldn't go🙁. I just stayed at home and studied. Today I had piano lessons in the morning and now I'm doing my homework and studying for my Science test tomorrow
I have a science test tomorrow lol 😂
Good luck, I'm sure you did well✨🍀. We were meant to get our tests back today but some people hadn't done it so we couldn't see our tests. I was looking forward to getting my test back, but oh well. My friend hasn't been coming to school lately, I hope she's ok✨💎
yeah xxx I hope she's ok too xxx