If you see this tell Chris I love and miss him😘❤️also if you could ask him when we can do the thing that was on the note(don’t ask what it is)


If you see this tell Chris I love and miss him😘❤️also if you could ask him when we can do the thing that was on the note(don’t ask what it is)

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Fûck you Sarah if I wasn’t talking to you then don’t say śhît like that
You really hurt my feelings
just because I am not mean to everyone I know doesn’t mean I am flirting with them
Mariah told me what you said about me behind my back
I thought you were my friend?
ik she talks bad about everyone
so you are not my friend?
So no?? bc i was hoping we could be friends
why do you hate me because I don’t hate you
don’t have work. why are you so mad at. me then?
fine I will talk to you ALONE later
plz just talk to me
ok idc I just wanna talk