Why do people do this?


Why do people do this?

15 1
I dont quite know why ppl do this, but I believe they do it out of the stress in their lives, they take it out on their pets, Cuz they think their pets are responsible for taking care of their owners, when rlly its the other way around, but then some ppl just do it out of pure joy, those ppl are just the sick cruel ppl that cant be stopped.
Oh my God I am crying right now this is the worst thing I have ever seen!!😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
and then some other ppl do it because they want their pets to do something but they wont, the owners try to force them, which isnt right, some ppl just need to think of if they were that animal when they abuse them
I hate people
honestly this makes me so pîssed
People who do this to animals Make me soooo mad I swear. 😭