Lol chat page anyone? I’m bored and need friends


Lol chat page anyone? I’m bored and need friends

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hey twin
lol same here
hit him up and be like “ hey wanna chat”
well dang I been at this social side for years now so 😂😂 but tell me about him
I had one today that just got progressively worse every minute and by the time I got to last period, my friend had to scoot closer to casually keep me from falling onto the floor and crying. the teacher told me to pay attention
awe sweetheart *hugs*
awww sweetie believe me your a amazing girl and I know that he will love you maybe not possibly more than I do tho
*hugs tight* my mom and sister are mad and I'm scared. I gotta go. night sissy
because your freaking awesome
so I was a shy little girl
drop a fact or two every day