I love every one on this account except for one that blocked me a couple times but I'm happy that we got our boyfriends back//all girls


I love every one on this account except for one that blocked me a couple times but I'm happy that we got our boyfriends back//all girls

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we all love u to// all (there is not Jack saying this)
we all love you more
vannah is running again for her life lol// lightning
ken brought his snake out this time and not mister pot of gold
James is running for his life right now//angel
lol, I'm lmâø
wow, he is scarred of snakes? lol
James pulled Rachel out of bed and she is chasing him
lol well tell her to come here and talk to ken bc I'm about to punch him in the face
hey, do u want to save me from lightning or are u going to keep killing James?// ken
I'll let my brother live
well lighting is trying to punch me
lightning leave him alone
(it's not my fault he is chasing every one with his snake and frog// lightning)
were is James?// vannah
u guys on?// all
hey I want invite all of too zach's and I wedding
yea were here we just feel asleep
hey baby, vannah is bugging to talk to James// lightning
hello!// vannah
u ok James?
he just left no he isn't he wants you and only you
ik, ik, I'm a messed up bítch ik
I'm not mad at you
ik, but I hate my self
don't hate on your self James just don't share his love so he'll be picky when it comes to you dating him and other people
but all I do is hurt ppl
he loves you more than anything else in the world
ik, but I hurt him, I hate seeing him hurt, and it's all my fault
he just has a problem with sharing so like he wouldn't let anyone else have you
jake no, stay, I just might delete my acc
STOP! ,sorry but just listen James will be okay with this okay
OMG JUST STOP! I'm done with everyone picking me and everything! I'm nothing special, I'm just a 13 year old girl that don't have a life anymore! but everyone is fighting over me and that has to stop now!
I should go //angel
angel tell James I'm sorry and I love him but i have to go cut now
don't that will hurt my brother he said if you cut he'll cut his wrist deep
well my cuts are deep.
well he's cutting
hey it's I'm Jacob, I'm ken and lightning younger brother
James has to show vannah how mush she means to him and everything else// Jacob
dude on her first chat page they think he's invisible so that's why he's cutting
well she loves him, and now idk where she is at, she just ran out crying and it's cold out and dark out side
he found her I think
vannah is home safe, she is laughing and crying at the same time
bc of the of the profile pic
vannah is in the hospital rn!// cc
she fell down like 2 flits of stairs// cc
puts my head down
*walks over to u and hugs u* do u want to talk to lightning?
no I want her to be okay//James
she will be ok, ik she will, and last night she said your name tho// cc
I'm staying with her
ik, how is angel and Rachel taking this tho?
there worried about my temper and their worried about vannah
don't let your temper get the best if u, and ik they are worried about vannah, but she had moved her hand when I told I'm talking to u.
sits beside vannah
I'm about to post something