Collage by wandering1


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hi! should we use this page or the other one?
ok well maybe we can chat on this one and then remix our things onto angels one just so nobody sees it👀😂
bc I think @wandering1 is also judging it based on how we interact as a team so they probably want to see the chat
so the due date has been moved to the 18th which is good so that gives us more time. should we just start off with picking our favourite princesses?
my favourite is belle so we can do Ariel belle and rapunzel
so that means we can’t do live action bc there’s isn’t a live action Ariel or rapunzel
hey ~ if you do remix make sure you put what team you are on somewhere on the actual remix so others teams don’t think the remix is for them, or just chat on a remix you made so you get notifications, I hope you understand any of that 😂. (also the reason I made chat pages is to see how you all interact with each other and to make sure your conversation doesn’t get lost in other people’s comments on your own posts, so thank you for communicating this way)
also if you need an extension please notify me! 😊
what do you think? after I did mine I also added some lyrics from a song in each movie. but I made the text pretty simple bc I think the focus is more on the bg. I also added a few overlays. I can change anything if you want me too