No I'm not holding a Nutella jar *says sarcastically*


No I'm not holding a Nutella jar *says sarcastically*

32 28
😍😍😍 d**n
look at that Nutella 😍😍😍😩💦
make me wanna rip it's lid off 😍💕
oh and then there's abs which are ok ig. 😂✨
no I'm nooooooooooot
Omg staap 😂😂👍🏻 Aright, you may have dat Nutella but I must ask you, how tall are you 😂😂
Ik that seems totally random but my goal is to be taller than all bois I meet 😈(don't ask 😂😂)
Dang it 😂😂 I don't even come close, I'm 5'8 but hey, I'm 15 I'll get there someday (hopefully 😂😂)
Is it just that all the guys I meet are just short, or am I tall? 😩 #thestruugleisreal
ha shorty 😜
agghhh no fair I guess I'll just have to stick to wearing highheels 😂👍🏻👠
Question, personally, which is more attractive, taller or shorter girls? (I know I'm harping a bit on this but I'm just wondering 😜)
Hhmm ok gotcha.. 🤔You don't talk to much do you? 😂💕