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hiya :)
I’m Ember 🌺 I used to have an account on here called @BubblegumKitty05 but I sadly deleted it :( Anyway my drawing was strangely inspired by the umbrella scene in miraculous ladybug (I’m going through an obsession phase w/ it rn) 🐞🐱
@wishingwaves thanks very much, you can’t say much for yourself either! your collages are gorgeous ❤️
hey! I’m Ava nice to meet you😍 this is stunning✨ you’re so talented😊
@-apollo- hey Ava tysm! you’re equally as talented though ❤️
you're so good at drawing !!
@longviewbby tysm! ✨
wow amazing! so good!!💗🤩👏
thanks love!💕✨
btw tips to make yourself stand out and just random tips:) if you wanna get involved you should : •enter contests •follow tons of accounts who’s are amazing who’s you like (all are amazing in their own way💗) •comment on loads of peoples posts •say nice things •like tons of peoples collages •you know get yourself out there •ask people to give you shoutouts, if you want I’ll give you a shoutout, don’t be afraid to ask! // people that comment on your collages, if you wanna reply to them you go to their account and to their recent post and comment there so they get notified. because if you comment on your collages they don’t get notified so ALWAYS comment on he other persons account so they get notified. also.. be yourself!, try different styles! um.. yeah that’s all!!💘💘
hope that helped!
thank you x
when I say stand out I mean like to get yourself out there!
oh and btw your so pretty in your icon!😩💕
okie cool! no problem! wanna be friends?!
your welcome! and nooo I love your name! it isn’t weird at all! I’m Razz some call me Rae so feel free to call me either!!💕
aw thank you!! it was ok, thanks for asking! hbu?
ooo nice! and yeah i know right!! I agreee!
ooh wow 😍
this is really good 🤗
wow this is so so so amazing!!
beautiful drawings!! omggg
this art is just.... omg it’s like perfection in its own way i just love it
keep it up! 🥰
wowwww beautiful drawings and the way you laid it out is gorgeous!
I haven’t watched the recent ones yet cuz of school but