Collage by metaphorically-im-a-cat


33 0
whass up wit chu?
just the daily obsessing and sobbing over Ryan Ross's existence
beebo agrees with you
I just realized that our icons are a power couple
also I just posted and commented a ton about not self harming and such when I currently have those issues too and need to get myself under control too
thanks. I'm better than I was. I just will randomly get really depressed for no reason whatsoever and last week I was quite the disaster but I'm okay
I'm glad that you care.
that is honestly the best thing anyone has ever said to me
I've been like this for a while and today was the first day someone even noticed that something was wrong. one of my guy friends noticed the cuts on my arm and he was just kinda checking on me all day and I'm scared that he's going to tell someone
my mom is trying to get me a therapist for my anxiety and I wAnt to be able to talk to my therapist about this sort of thing but we can't afford it
I'd rather not. I have a big group of friends but I really only like a few of them and I don't know I just don't want to tell people
goodnight 🌙