I'm Sorry Just Fùčk Up.


I'm Sorry Just Fùčk Up.

14 1
I dont think hur frend acualy died
that's what I'm saying and sometimes I don't even think she was hít by a càr
shes just askin for atention
I thought I was the only one who thought that!
yea I don't wanna sound mean but I don't think any of it is true
The whole thing just seems so phoney, I've started unfollowing ponies who make a big deal.
I always seem mean so I barely care 😂
I'm waiting for it to blow over so I can follow cadence-unicornlover-MLP again
lol, if they are telling the truth I say, KEEP IT UP TO U AND YOUR FAMILY
why can't they tell it's just lies
that does sound a bit harsh, dckiller. ive always wondered-but what if its true? you cant judge people who are dealing with so much! nevermind i guess, i just hate to think my friends are in pain
I no. but don't u at least think that it doesn't need to be on pc? it's just not very nice
I won't. but if they really feel that way keep it to themselves
yea but honestly I don't give a mother fùçking šhít anymore
I just wanna fûčking kill her
just wait and see lies are what u get in life
someday u will be taken by lies
she doesn't even know. anyway no one cares how I think maybe she should think more about what she says before she says it. it's rude.
I do agree with you but you do really have to be careful what you say these people could be really depressed
I doubt her friend died and she got hit by a car at a funeral, she tried to kill herself and lost her memory
I agree
im getting even more doubtful of their story. so sunset died, but not quite so she back again, and starlight died, and no shes alive, but mentally insane? and they commited suicide and are in the hospital? and they first thing they do is go on pic collage? it makes no sense!
i dont even know. I still like them, but its i realy dont approve of all the drama, real or fake-its just so unbelievable. i want my old friends back, the ones that posted happy pony pictures and didnt say they wanted to kill themselves😭😭❤️
i miss the old starlight and sunset
i hopd they can get back to normal and be ok again
your right i dont have proof
but, expecially online, it is highly illogical and unbeliable. i just dont see it happening. maybe some things are true but who knows?
she doesn't have proof she's telling the truth u know
ok then. Have u noticed hate pages make people sad for ATTENTION? It's the same with them. Everyone wants attention. doing something like that is for attention.
how do u know there even getting bullied?
they should know that anything they say is not true.
u should know I'm a girl
ur creepy
ok ok yeah I'm 13
have you been on her page? some of the things are pretty weird.. i really hope none of its true-its pretty sad! i hope their fine
yea 😕
im 11 fine there's the truth
thats not true! im 13 and i still get hurt..
im so sorry starlight! you do realize it is hard to belive though? i know-plz dont hate me! thats just what part of me thinks because it seems so horrible that it would happen to one person
and i do belive part of it, but i dont want to belive all of it. how do you do it starlight? are you feeling any better?
and i wish dckiller wouldnt swear at you. maybe you can talk to someone outside of pc, if your family doesnt care?