This is what my heart ❤️ looks like right now, all black 🖤 and broken, and bruised.


This is what my heart ❤️ looks like right now, all black 🖤 and broken, and bruised.

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This is what my heart ❤️ looks like right now, all black 🖤 and broken and bruised.
same....u okay?
nO, I'm nOt oKaY aT aLl.
did I do this
what happened
Idk 😐 anymore.
did I break your heart?
Because Rudy asked me out.😱😭😭😭😰😭😭
I fEeL LiKe I dOn'T bELoNg On ThIs EaRtH 🌏 aNyMoRe.