Art Trade: Arinmatsu | kayo hinazuki | #ryomak | TAP

I redid it since the first one was dodgy looking, much happier with this one ^^ hope you like it. In the remixes I add more photos with perspective.


Art Trade: Arinmatsu | kayo hinazuki | #ryomak | TAP I redid it since the first one was dodgy looking, much happier with this one ^^ hope you like it. In the remixes I add more photos with perspective.

10 3
perspective photos in remixes.
No need to thank me, you is an amazing artist!! \(≧▽≦)/
You is a glorious potato. XD
Hmmpffff.. Waaahhh let's make it fair, me and you are good human beings. X3
Your drawing is done!! (on my page)
Your art is beautiful!