This is oddly satisfying


This is oddly satisfying

10 0
hi vanybunbun
what is your real name
do you know Mr. Bennett or Mr. Philips
gurl what school you got to
if u go to red bank middle lord hallelujah πŸ’•
text me on one of my posts
jk my real name is Ivania
and yes I know mr. Bennett I'm on dreamweavers
hi πŸ‘‹
a day is band b day is mrs. bullington
post a pic of what you look like and I will wait for you tomorrow because I have gym if I'm not out of gym before can you wait for me..... you can be my best friend that understands me more than anyone else
before *you
if I'm not out of gym before you.
copy cat! πŸ˜ΎπŸ™€πŸ‘Ž