our money is really bad rn and some credit card place is suing us or something so my mom has to go file bankruptcy at the old courthouse and that’s where she went with me when i did my really bad thing two years ago and almost was arrested and she just to


our money is really bad rn and some credit card place is suing us or something so my mom has to go file bankruptcy at the old courthouse and that’s where she went with me when i did my really bad thing two years ago and almost was arrested and she just to

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our money is really bad rn and some credit card place is suing us or something so my mom has to go file bankruptcy at the old courthouse and that’s where she went with me when i did my really bad thing two years ago and almost was arrested and she just told me she’s not excited to go because of me and my stomach just dropped bc I forgot about it
i’ve got some newer pals following me now who probably don’t know, but i did something really really bad and almost was arrested or had charges pressed which would mean we could only live in certain areas bc of me and i literally wanted to end my life after all of it. i’ll share what i did one day. i was feeling bad about myself when i did it and wanted people to tell me things
I’m really sorry about that reminder. remember that that does nOT define you babe. I hope that y’all can get financial aid soon
you WILL get through this. my dad when he was younger he got kicked out of house and had to love miles away. now he's doing well, fighting seizures, and has 3 kids and a wife. whatever you did does not define you. you will be okay
sorry if this makes you anxious or anything but i read the post a while ago that vaguely stated what happened and idk if we're even on the same page here but i did something similar and its making me really anxious
i may not be able to comfort you but i’m always here to support you amber❤️❤️
i have no idea if we're talking abt the same thing i didnt know u had to be registered
sorry to keep talking abt it but is it sc? i literally feel like we're talking abt the same thing and its making me so nervous
aw man im sorry i feel so bad for bringing it up
oh wow im so sorry. it sounds like it was blown way out of proportion i mean i understand why it was reported but i've never heard of it being a case for court
in my case i feel like people do it so much its just kind of ignored but i think people need to understand that sometimes what you're doing in that moment isn't really what you want