Okay... Help me


Okay... Help me

23 2
well.... this will hurt but...
if she's not interested.... drop it
I know it's hard
and I sound really cold right now but... it will save your heart from rejection, save you heart for someone who's interested in yo and your interested in them
yeah... I know I should... and it doesn't hurt at all coming from you (I trust you). I've just liked her for so long. but thanks :):) I'll most likely take the advice :P
again, thanks :):)
:D I'm glad I can help~
I liked a guy for awhile... and my dad gave me that advice^ XD
he's like "don't take advice from girls cause they are all like "OH~ GO TALK TO HIM~~~" when he's really not interested... " XD
That's so true XD
lol I love your dad XD
every so often, find a reason to come over and talk to her, even if just for a minute. soon she might start seeking you out instead. if she's interested, she'll probably be a little happier for the rest of the day because you talked to her.
thanks :)
No. I wish. but at the moment she's sorta having a crisis (we're friends) so I'm helping her out.
haha thx
I need help now @-@
I'm so sorry I didn't respond sooner
r u by???
Biromantic? sorta. I'm Panromantic. if u don't know what pan is, it means that I can be attracted to anyone of any gender