I drew my room (for my art homework)


I drew my room (for my art homework)

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This looks really cool. :D I have to write a story on the life of a slave which I guess is kinda fun...?
It's actually really boring. :")
My homework, I mean.
All homeworks are...
Most are. Some I enjoy (like my English poster when I included Markiplier) and others I hate (like my Math homework. ;-;-;)
I'm now wondering when was the last time I had maths hw... Which was a lot of weeks ago...
Really? My Math teacher doesn't tell us about homework. All we know is that it's set every Monday to Monday. It's a website thing.
Ohh yeah. We're supposed to get online homework but apparently we don't :T But I'm happy
Our English teacher sets homework Wednesday to Wednesday. Apart from that, all other homework is just on random lessons and days. :/
My homework's always random
Ye. Kinda same, I guess. Sometimes teachers forget and sometimes they don't. Our Computing teacher isn't in right now we sit wherever we want in class. :3
Nice. Sometimes the homework I'm given is poinless cuz the teacher never takes it in
Our teacher always takes our homework in. ;-; Most of the time my mum helps me like writing lots while I do another piece.
I usually also leave my homework till the last day. I know it's not good incase anything happens, but it works
Same with me. I do all my homework on Sunday night. .__.
Omg, today when I had art and gave in my homework; I found out that I did it wrong. Luckily my teacher actually let and said that it's fine...
Oh. I'm starting to really love my History homework. I was writing it though lunch for some reason. x3
I've fallen in love with the main character. But then I always fall in love with the main characters I make for stories. .-.