I really love you guys
A lot


Taaaap I really love you guys A lot A DUCKING LOT OK?!

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how are you? :) it's been a while
re// that's good to hear I'm good
re// yep yep I deleted my other acc though so I started over *smiles back
re// it's going better than i thought
re// yep yep
re// giggles a bit*
re// don't worry so am I... in rl that is
re// laughs as well* no lie on that
re// laughs* wanna hear something
re// on coming out day I yelled "IM PAN AND I CAN MAKE LOVE TO INANIMATE OBJECTS" no lie
re// people looked at my like "what the fûck is wrong with that child"
re// laughs*
re// it is it really is
re// *does jazz hands* but we are still here
re// yep yep
re// I can't speak str8
re// yep yep
re:// *giggles*