Hello mortals now on I'm devoting my life to evil no more MARCO call me Marco Del Mal


Hello mortals now on I'm devoting my life to evil no more MARCO call me Marco Del Mal

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*growls* give. him. back.
wait wait wait I have a better name for me Ocram Zaid
let. him. GO! *pulls out a katana*
*grabs the katana with force and teleports* see you later
*growls, and it goes back to her hand* nice try.
hey no fair! *pulls out axe and swing it like crazy* die pesticide
*lowers her eyes* what did you just call me.
I called you a dirty rotten pesticide
*growls, and her eyes glow red* YOU'RE THE PESTICIDE! *flips her katana around and the ground lifts, shooting at him*
*blocks* your attacks don't affect me *blasts her with black fire* take I load of this
look behind because that black fire balls has an auto target thing so it's going to follow you until it hit you
oh bipper nice to see you here wants so nachos or would you rather have Doritos
*keeps blocking, then puts her katana away, and pulls another one out of her hand, her eyes glowing, and cuts the fire in half*
you can't do that!!!!!!! *casts shadow spirit* he is going to be fight for me and guest what he can't died
so you're too weak to fight me on your own. have fun with your shadow. * strîng like metal shoots from her back*
that tickles *pulls it out* you know your just hurting the body and not me right
*growls* you're such a wimp!
*her eyes widen, and she gasps* Bipper?! wh-what's wrong....*puts the katana back*
Okami just leave me alone and nothing happens to the marco's body ok
o-okay......I'll do my best.
thank you
*looks down guiltily*