Mobile Orchestra done, I'll be honest it wasn't my favorite but it still had some good songs. There wasn't a lot of Owl City's usual electronic-y vibe so idk @people who like Owl City please give me your thoughts on this album


Mobile Orchestra done, I'll be honest it wasn't my favorite but it still had some good songs. There wasn't a lot of Owl City's usual electronic-y vibe so idk @people who like Owl City please give me your thoughts on this album

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I really like mobile orchestra actually it's a nice change from their usual electronic vibe but I agree it's not the best album they have also have you listened to sky sailing cause it's the same person and oH mY gOd I love sky sailing
haha yeah ikr
I completely agree with you tbh like it's still good and all but it's not my favorite. bird with a broken wing is absolutely amazing tho tbh