Collage by 3RunawayKidsInactive


47 2
my gym said that "you girls should be cooking, not in gym class, gym is for boys." I told him to **** off and get a life because he was violating my human rights and I swear to god I would get him fired. He looked shocked. -Carla
^^Favorite subject. Amber: Writing, Carla: science, Luke: Social studies
amber, 6
Carla, 7
Luke, 8
luke, 2
Carla ,10
3) All not in any relationship
6) I told one of the kids in the home that they needed to leave me alone because I was sick and tired of him bullying me, that he needed to go get a life, and find some therapy. -Amber
7) When I'm nervous I bite my nails -Carla
8) Green/hazel eyes, long brown hair -Amber
2) Jeans, green T-shirt, blue hoodie, waterproof jacket -Luke
10) I got followed home by a guy when I was 8, he told me he was my uncle baut... (Amber saw... got a message from a ghost) -Carla
5) I'd buy some shelter and food/water, save some and give the rest to UNICEF. -Amber
8) brown hair, green eyes -Luke
all 1
^We were all behind a dumpster with 2 other kids, watching pancakes hurl toward a dumpster...
7 Carla
Carla 8
6) I told my mom I'd rather die than be like her. -Amber) I told a bully at the home to get a life, and quit bashing at people because of his severe "problems." -Luke
7) I bite my nails when nervous -Carla
8) I have short blond hair and brown eyes
2) Amber & Carla. 3) Amber, Carla, & Luke
2) Jeans, baggy shirt, blue jacket -Amber) 2) Jeans, T-shirt, green hoodie -Carla
3) not in any relationship yet. -All
10) Luke
8) Luke
10) My Dad once came home, rambling on and on about parallel dimensions, how he would send us away. He was unresponsive and said the same thing... over and over again. "Parallel you, parallel me, we'll find a clock." -Luke
8) Brown hair, green eyes, clothes with grass stains -Luke
7 all
11) All.
number 5 for all
11) all: how do you charge your phone?
I mean 12
10) Amber😧. 1) Luke😏. 2). Carla😊.
5) for all
7) I bite my nails when I'm nervous -Carla) I whisper when I'm angry -Amber) I don't trust people easily -Luke)
11) Cars... people laughing- a kid shouting, someone coughing, a construction worker yelling.
12) At hostels, hotspots, places in subways, Starbucks, McDonald's etc etc
10) I got a morse code message from a ghost named Eduard James Haniel -Amber) I was... in a movie theater taking watch -Luke) Jeans, T-shirt, hoodie -Carla)
8 amber💕
12: Why is Amber so awesome? (yes I am picking favorites 😝)
12: How did you guys get internet?
We get internet at hostels, Starbucks, hotspots and other various places^
have u ever traveled any place out of Europe????
do u remember ur birth parents?? All
Yes we've travelled outside of Europe before and we remember our birth parents because we only got send to the home around a year ago.
12: Who is Lucas? Everyone is talking about him.
oh I get it!
12- what ?? I thought it was 4 runaway kids, not 3
^ what happened?
12: how do u guys post stuff on pic collage????? do u have a phone or something?
We're using Luke's phone that he had before we ran away
ooooooooooh that makes sense