I forget if I ever posted about buying the cargo shorts but yeet. Now that I think about it I'm kinda looking forward to how people will react, too. I cut my hair so it was shoulder length, and then into a pixie cut like a week later, and people acted lik


I forget if I ever posted about buying the cargo shorts but yeet. Now that I think about it I'm kinda looking forward to how people will react, too. I cut my hair so it was shoulder length, and then into a pixie cut like a week later, and people acted lik

16 0
(caption continued) acted like it was the end of the world
yeah it's sad
XD whatever, you still slay. Joke’s on them if they don’t like it.
I love girl’s clothes tbh
But jeans are HÉŁL imo
how are you child
it's ok how's school
that's good 👌👌
I'm on spring break atm but it's going kinda well
we've got exams in about a month 💥
they're not proper exams yet but they're just end of year exams and there's a lot of revision so I'm probably gonna have to take a couple weeks break from pc lol
last year lol I was a mess. I did like no revision at all. I did a couple hours revision on a couple subjects and then about 30 minutes on about 3 subjects and then about 30 minutes solid the niGht bEfoRe for about 3 of them and for the other like 7 I just winged it. I did about 15 minutes of revision oN tHe dAy wOaF
l mao for my ICT and Music exam I had done zilch revision so there was like a 5 minute break between the two exams for toilet and stuff and I crammed like crazy. honestly idk how I learnt like 10 excel formulas and document endings in that time
I did bETter than I expected lol