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aye what's up?👀
not much hbu
shît ikr she lacking and chilling tbh
imma little bored
shît same I'm tired asf tho lowkey and wym bout that
hey thanks. //Harry
oh your welcome*blushes*
hehehe what’s that mean?😉😊
Haha your a cutie
awe thanks*looks at the ground blushing*
*lifts up your chin and smiles*
*smiles and giggles a bit trying to avoid eye contact*😊
hi*says shyly
gosh your adorable...
*giggle* you are too
how are you?
um good I guess how are you
I’m doin okay now that I’m talking to you :)
I have to go. I’ll talk to you later
*giggles*how are you single? You are the sweetest
okay when will be later?
hey. haha idek😂
how are you?
good you?
I’m okay