First one in a while


First one in a while

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Oh I remember you now. 😂
Aw I’m sorry, I’m here if you wanna talk.
Aw well I have anxiety so I get it. I’m here for you, you’ll get through this. Do your parents know how you’re doing?
Oh okay, well I hope it goes well. 💙
Okay. 💛
Yes, that’s exactly what happens to me. It’s usually triggered by people or certain situations for me, and I can’t control it either. I’m not really sure, but just breathe until you can calm down/get away from them. I’m so sorry, I’m here for you in any way I can be. 🖤
I’m happy to hear that! I’ve had better days, I’m really sleep deprived and unfocused with school and everything.
Wow, good luck... 😂 That’s really cool! 🐶
I’m sure you’ll do great!
Aww okay. 😂 It’s been okay, pretty productive for once lol. Yours?