
What's funny is that the strip of orange that is in the back of "we grow in love" is just a bunch a tiny words... On one of the fonts, the underscore isn't available, so I used the little word thingy's that popped up instead, and made a decorat


🍂Click🍁 What's funny is that the strip of orange that is in the back of "we grow in love" is just a bunch a tiny words... On one of the fonts, the underscore isn't available, so I used the little word thingy's that popped up instead, and made a decorat

126 2
WOW, you are so awesssing😍❤️
THE tiny words must of taken you a long time 😬😁
love this!
is this iconfactories second account?
hi!! I was wandering if you could like my recents because if one or more gets to 50 likes, I'll be doing a Christmas giveaway and the more likes u give, the more entries you get!! have a safe and merry Xmas!! xx
The simplicity of this is gorgeous