Ugh this isn't as good as my other ones. I feel like my collages get worse everyday. I'm losing likes... Anyway check the comments plzπŸ’–


Ugh this isn't as good as my other ones. I feel like my collages get worse everyday. I'm losing likes... Anyway check the comments plzπŸ’–

161 4
Hey loves!Hello? It's me.πŸ˜‚πŸŽ΅ Two kids In my homeroom were like "Hello"(*puts hand on other Persons wrist)(Other person) "It's me"(*puts hand on otherPersons hand that's on top of Their wrist*)πŸ˜‚Anyway, So I've been thinking for about 4 days now that I want to Change my username it's just That it's not summer anymore And monkey just is "eh" so plz Comment done usernames- There's no specific theme but Only "_" no "-"! Thanks guys! Anyway I'm gonna sleep now bc I'm tired and I have a busy weekend a head of me and I'm already getting sick😩AGAIN! Anyway good night always know ur beautiful no matter what anyone says and if anyone is bothering u or telling u that U aren't beautiful plz tell me-love u oh and sorry for the lack of posting, This time of year is the busiest for me😫 anyway my phone is gonna die so ily stay safeπŸ’–
*some usernames
PeanutButter_Alicorn, Awko_bunny, marshmallow_blitz, flower_patch, SlayinqTaylor, SlayinqAriana, peanut_fudge
roaring_kitty, kawaii_pineapple, me_and_my_novels, Geek_pegasus, pink_zebra
I want to do a Christmas style but we could do a mix of ur styles and mine
no prob!
I'm home from school so just tell me when we can start
Sorry I didn't answer! I was at school. What should we collab about?
Ari AND Cara or either one?
I'm sorry I had it a long time ago
did you want to collab still?
We can collab today if u r not too busy
sorry I can't do it right now I've been on all morning and my mom is telling me to get offπŸ˜‚
what celeb and what theme
I don't really like any of those celebs
you're welcome and thank you so much love.😘😘
Hey when can we do the collab?
Im so sorry but I need to go to sleep!! Ik its not the collabmas days but can we do it tomorrow? I am so sorrt
hiya! could we please re schedule? I don't have time right now as I'm really busy and tomorrow I'm going to busy, I think Tuesday will be alright?
I am so so sorry but can you start on the collab?
awwwπŸ’•.... thanks booπŸ’ž
thank you so much love!😘😘😘
it's ok I'll try and finish tomorrow!😘