So I was at dinner at the hotel, and this woman behind my table kept turning around and staring at us! We counted how many times she looked and we got to 112!!!!!!!!


So I was at dinner at the hotel, and this woman behind my table kept turning around and staring at us! We counted how many times she looked and we got to 112!!!!!!!!

27 1
a lady did that to me once
maybe she thought you looked like someone famous😎😜
lol @livinlifeinmovies
nice! I can't wait to see it! are you one of the main characters?
nevermind that question, of course you're the main character, the title it literally "Sophie's booth" and you play Sophia! 🙄
ok,can't wait to see it if it's available to watch!!
for te joint acc, I had decided that anyone can post anything, I think it is too limited... but pls keep the same icon
Sorry this week has bee really busy. I also have a tournament for softball tomorrow.
Hello! I am hosting fandom games on my account! I would love it if you would join! It would mean a lot and I feel like your creativity could be utilized on my games!