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awww thank you! and i’m OBSESSED with this I LOVE it so much!
i’m doing ok! leaving for the beach tomorrow annndddd my birthday is getting super close!! hbu??
that sounds great though💓
my day was pretty good, thanks! I made pancakes, did a few things for school and watched some tv! how was yours?
and i’m so sorry homework can be so frustrating… i have some rn that im putting off 😭💞
Omg this is amazing!! Love the contrasting colours 😍
heyy🫶 how are you?
i’ve been well, how about you?? quite tired tho😭🩷
my birthday is the 18th of november and i’m going to dye my hair for the first time, call my friends, watch the new hunger games movie, and get a new video game!
oh this is cute
no worries! aww that sounds amazing, what kind of food did you try? <3
my day was great, thanks! I had acrobatic this morning and in the evening I went to a friend's party, it was so much fun! We danced so much, I'm so tired right now haha
Aahh thank you
so amazing and beautiful! 🩷
omg I've heard about tteokbokki but I've unfortunately never tried it!
thank you🩷🩷 I do acrobatics as a hobby, twice a week. The pieces that we perform contain dance parts, partner acrobatics & group acrobatics as well as "floor acrobatics" (i.e. things like splits, bridge, etc...) and lifting figures! We have a performance in December, it's always so much fun
do you have any hobbies by the way?
I got super mario RPG (I played it on the super nintendo and my dad and I SCREAMED when the remastered version was showcased on the nintendo direct). the movie wasn’t as good as i’d hoped but I liked it okay
hey there! (sorry for the copy and paste) The Pic Collage Awards 2023 began this summer, but unfortunately the results were never published. So I decided to hold such awards in the last month of this year: december! there are various awards for different types of collages & collagers - come check out my account for more information and vote please! :)
heyy :)) how are you doing? 💓💓
hey!! how are you doing??
heyy there! how are you? i miss talking to you so much ://
hey! how are you??
this is so cool!!
heyy!! how are you doing?? i miss you ♡